46b MediCinema Fundraising Event – 18th August 2012

Cadder Freestone, Bishopbriggs 19:30 – 21:00

Mission Report
…After a short digression in Glasgow to kill some time the guys and I returned to the venue to do a meet and greet of the guests arriving for their sold out evening fund raising event.  Once again we were met with a respectiful and appreciative audience offering cash donations to the MediCinema funding tin, as the troopers interacted with people arriving in their own movie related costumes by taxi or car.

The evening wasn’t without it’s slight hitches though, from mischievous troopers larking about and almost taking tumbles on the steps to one audibly impaired TK who in responding to a misheard query has doubtless caused a bitter family resentment and the need for years of therapy and reconcillation between a particular father and son.  More unfortunate than that though it would seem that the guys missed their chance to be fetted in the hall afterwards due to a lack of communication between the organiser and myself on the night.  Mea culpa…

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46a MediCinema Family Fun Day – 18th August 2012

Cadder Freestone, Bishopbriggs 14:00 – 16:00

Mission Report
I’ll be honest, I felt that I’d been stitched up like a kipper after being asked a few days before to run this event as we were told only a few hours before we were due to arrive that it had started at 12:00, not 14:00, turning up at 12:30 to find a tiny, empty, venue and one of our number having gone to entirely the wrong place (in point of fact the other two troopers ended up at a wrong location too, albeit a lot nearer!) so the presence of an inebriated clientel was just icing on the cake.

As soon as they could get kitted up and out (unfortunately too late for their peak vistor numbers apparently) though the guys and I found ourselves in a complete contrast to my what my preconceptions had suggested though.  Everyone there was massively enthusiastic about our presence and everyone, from young child to noisesome beer garden patrons, was totally respectful of the costumes and in fact went on to prove that there is an apparent huge, hitherto unexpected, fan following for the Star Wars saga in Bishopbriggs, with even the most unlikeliest of suspects being able to quote lines of dialogue and rattle off the names of various planets from the films.

While it turned out to be a short event for one reason or another, it was a pleasure to support such a worthwhile charity in the company of such a receptive public…

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